Monday, April 9, 2007

You can do this on a skateboard... TOMORROW, April 10th!!!!

In the spring of 2005, Libra, the bartender at the Mars Bar in Seattle, wanted to do a luau night. What was created was “Tiara and Lei” day. At the time, Annetastic (Seattle) was very active on and decided to share the event with her friends. The first “Tiara and Lei Day”, April 10, 2005, was celebrated in Seattle, San Francisco, Denver, and Memphis mostly by member of in addition to the celebrants at the Mars. Celebrants dressed up in tiaras and leis. Fruity drinks were drunk and many photos documenting the various parties were taken.
April 10, 2006 saw the 2nd Annual celebration of Tiara and Lei day celebrated across the country. Again, celebrants donned their tiaras and leis and partied with their local friends, sharing the various events across the internet with friends afar.

How to Celebrate-

It's really as easy as it sounds. You make plans with friends and put on a tiara and a lei. You can wear them to work, out on the town, or just acting silly at home. The point is to put on a tiara and a lei, submit pictures with a brief description to:

Tiara and Lei Day Flickr Group
External Links:
Historical evidence of the founding
First Tiara and Lei Day as celebrated by Smoooochie
First Tiara and Lei Day as celebrated by Mynx d’Meanor
Second Annual as celebrated by Annetastic!
Tiara and Lei Day at the Mars- Year One

Second Annual as celebrated by Mynx d’Meanor
Second Annual as celebrated by Smoooochie and Danimal
Third Annual Announcements:

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