Thursday, June 21, 2007

June 21st- WooT!

We got up early this morning. It's been in the upper 90's so we wanted to beat the heat. We were at the skatepark by 7:30 a.m. Why? Because it's "Go Skateboarding Day!" WooT! So, go out. Get on a board and kick, push, kick, push, rollllll...

Sunday, June 17, 2007


Frontside carves have always been a little scary. I'm not sure why, but I guess my backside just seems more natural. That is until recently. It started a couple of weeks ago at the Longmont park where I was trying this section of the bowl that can really only be skated frontside. For some reason I wasn't really focused on the fact that it was frontside, but more focused on just doing something at this park that it's pretty difficult. Well, I carved this turn about 5 times before I realized that I was carving frontside! Then today we were at another park and the only way to really go in this one section was frontside. No biggie! I just did it. And then I got a little carried away and did 3 different corners frontside all successfully! WooT! I love when I just get it and it finally feels natural instead of something I'm thinking about.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

My Real Life

I had a friend tell me that they hadn't subbed to this blog because if it was about my "real life" I would put it on my other blog and she was subbed there. Well, to that I say- skateboarding IS part of my real life. I'm on a board every day. I talk about skateboarding every day. I read about it every day. It's even become how I commute to work (more on this later). It's as much a part of my real life as my garden, listening to music, reading books, cooking for my family, cleaning house, folding laundry, going to work, paying bills, and anything else that I do. It's frustrating that people see my life as compartmentalized and that skateboarding is something outside of my "real life." Skateboarding is part of the fiber. It's what helps keep me sane when life is stressful. It's my yoga. It keeps me challenged because there is always more to learn. So, really, I guess it's fine if friends don't want to read about my skateboarding, but it's really not fine for them to think it's somehow outside of who I am.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

It finally happened...

I decided that I was going to start commuting to work via light rail, and that I'd get to light rail via longboard. It's been a really good source of exercise and I'm getting better at my longboard again. I've grown so used to my short board that my longboard feels weird. Anyhow, I was riding my longboard back to the train station this afternoon. I usually stay on the side walks, but after I cross out of the park there is a fairly unused street right near some shops that I use. A man came out of one of the offices and started telling about how there is no skateboarding there. Yeah! At me! A 38 year old mother of two on a long board! I told him he was really barking up the wrong tree since I was on public property. He pointed out some silly signs that say no skateboarding (on the side walk.) I have to say I was really both angry at this moron because I missed my train and laughing at him for yelling at me like I was trying to ollie one of his fancy marble benches. Whatever. I'm not going to stop longboarding on a public street. I'm such a badass...hahaha!!