Sunday, June 17, 2007


Frontside carves have always been a little scary. I'm not sure why, but I guess my backside just seems more natural. That is until recently. It started a couple of weeks ago at the Longmont park where I was trying this section of the bowl that can really only be skated frontside. For some reason I wasn't really focused on the fact that it was frontside, but more focused on just doing something at this park that it's pretty difficult. Well, I carved this turn about 5 times before I realized that I was carving frontside! Then today we were at another park and the only way to really go in this one section was frontside. No biggie! I just did it. And then I got a little carried away and did 3 different corners frontside all successfully! WooT! I love when I just get it and it finally feels natural instead of something I'm thinking about.