Saturday, September 22, 2007

Skate park ideology

I feel sort of silly and mom-like for thinking there should be some rules for the skatepark, but I do. Here is what I'm teaching my kids.

*If you aren’t having fun then it’s time to go home.
*Always wear your protective gear.
*Make eye contact with those around the bowl before you drop in.
*Take turns, and don’t over step your turn.
*Always bring your gear including:
Ice water
Antiseptic of some sort
Skateboard tool
Cell phone
*Be kind. We all were beginners at some point so be mindful to people who are new. They are taking a step out of their element and that is brave.

*Don’t trash the park.

1 comment:

Miss K.P.-Ness said...

Yes! I agree. It's the (sometimes)unspoken rules of skating that are passed down from skating adults to their children that make skating such a wonderful thing for our kids. Miss Smoooohie, we have only met just now, via the "blog" world, but I am sure if we had met at a skatepark we would have gotten along famously. If you are ever here in California for skating, send me a note. -
Miss K.P.-Ness (a.k.a. Karen Rennie)